Stan Rodda

April 19, 2005

The President is in Springfield

Hey everyone! Sorry I accidentally posted that last one twice. Anyway, check this out. Misty and I were going to Springfield to do our shopping right. Well, President Bush was in town for the opening of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. So Misty and I drove over to the airport to try to see him and guess what??? No, we didn't see him. But we did see his little convoy of secret service agents drive by. We were only like a 1/2 mile away. It was so cool. Anyway, Springfield was swarming with Officers of the Law and secret service people. It was crazy. Well, just wanted everyone to know that Misty and I saw the President's car from a 1/2 mile away. It was cool to us anyway. See ya.


April 18, 2005

Friends, if you don't have a comment for this one, there is something wrong with you! You should have seen Grant tonight. He is so thoughtful and considerate. Well, before I tell you all of that I should start from the beginning.

We were outside barbecuing and Grant and I were observing a caterpillar. I was telling all about how it would one day turn into a butterfly and all that. It was so sweet and Grant wanted to touch him but was just a little bit too afraid to. As we watched the caterpillar for about 5 minutes suddenly he decided that things weren't happening enough for him and so he shouts, "I'm going to squish him." And with that he lifted up his foot and stomped the guts out of this poor defenseless creature. Real thoughtful and considerate huh?

Well, just a few minutes after this, he decided that he wanted to play with the caterpillar again and I told him he couldn't. I said, "You sent that caterpillar to meet his Maker. He is gone for good." Well that seemed to work for a while until he brought it up again later. Misty had come outside at this point and Grant was talking to her about it now and talking with her about Grandpa Stan in heaven. I told him again, "Buddy, the caterpillar's in heaven. He's in heaven with Grandpa Stan talking about how mean his grandson is by squishing him for no reason." With that I went back to barbecuing.

A few seconds later my wife is in tears and I have no idea why. She says, "You should have heard him." So what is it that he said. Well, Grant's favorite possessions are his trains. And he looked at his mother as serious as could be and said, "Can I send my train to heaven too so Grandpa Stan can play with it?"

Now you all see why Misty was crying and I, obviously, was speechless. My kid is the coolest kid, the kindest kid, the most thoughtful kid ever. Just thought I would share with you all the joys of barbecuing and discussing caterpillars and the afterlife with your almost 3 year old. Good night all.


Caterpillars and the Afterlife!

Friends, if you don't have a comment for this one, there is something wrong with you! You should have seen Grant tonight. He is so thoughtful and considerate. Well, before I tell you all of that I should start from the beginning.

We were outside barbecuing and Grant and I were observing a caterpillar. I was telling all about how it would one day turn into a butterfly and all that. It was so sweet and Grant wanted to touch him but was just a little bit too afraid to. As we watched the caterpillar for about 5 minutes suddenly he decided that things weren't happening enough for him and so he shouts, "I'm going to squish him." And with that he lifted up his foot and stomped the guts out of this poor defenseless creature. Real thoughtful and considerate huh?

Well, just a few minutes after this, he decided that he wanted to play with the caterpillar again and I told him he couldn't. I said, "You sent that caterpillar to meet his Maker. He is gone for good." Well that seemed to work for a while until he brought it up again later. Misty had come outside at this point and Grant was talking to her about it now and talking with her about Grandpa Stan in heaven. I told him again, "Buddy, the caterpillar's in heaven. He's in heaven with Grandpa Stan talking about how mean his grandson is by squishing him for no reason." With that I went back to barbecuing.

A few seconds later my wife is in tears and I have no idea why. She says, "You should have heard him." So what is it that he said. Well, Grant's favorite possessions are his trains. And he looked at his mother as serious as could be and said, "Can I send my train to heaven too so Grandpa Stan can play with it?"

Now you all see why Misty was crying and I, obviously, was speechless. My kid is the coolest kid, the kindest kid, the most thoughtful kid ever. Just thought I would share with you all the joys of barbecuing and discussing caterpillars and the afterlife with your almost 3 year old. Good night all.


April 15, 2005

Revive us Again!

As the old song goes, Revive us again. Now I don't know if people were revived or not, but I hope that they were. Misty and I were so happy at the way the people in Newtown treated us. They were so friendly to us. But we've been home now for all of a day and are a little worn out. And of course, once you get home, you can't just sit around. You have to unpack and do laundry and all that stuff. Then there's me and I had to get to work right away for Sunday. All in all, we're glad to be home after a long week. But we were very grateful for the chance to be there and to hang out with friends from Milan again.

If you don't mind me asking, please keep Misty and I in your prayers. We have a lot going on at church and we are trying to follow God's leading with our ministry here in Petersburg. But you all know how ministry is sometimes. Some days, you just want to take a break. Things are going really well in Petersburg right now, and that's why I'm asking for your prayers. Because just when you think all is well, that's when something crazy happens. As Misty and I keep all of you, our friends in ministry in our prayers, please pray for us as well to just keep going even though we get tired. Thanks. Catch you guys later.


April 13, 2005

A whirlwind of a week!

WOW! The revival is already almost over. Just one more night to go. So far, I think that it has gone pretty well. The preaching was terrible, but there have been a lot of people who have come back each night and it seems that many people want to know why they are here on earth. If anyone is being convicted, all credit goes to God who works in ways we don't understand and sometimes never even see.

We have gotten to see a lot of old friends that we knew while we were there in Milan. We even bumped into a few while we were having lunch in Kirksville at King's Buffet. Misty and I stopped by a ladies house named Joanna Tipton. While I was doing ministry in Milan, her husband was dying of cancer. Her family called me one night at close to midnight and asked me to come over right away. I did and I spent a couple hours with their family and watched as her husband stopped breathing and went to be with God. I guess when you're with someone through something like that, you develop a pretty deep bond. When she saw Misty and I she started crying. She couldn't stop hugging Misty. She is just the sweetest lady.

We have had a good time catching up with the Hostetter's and the Leppin's who were definitely our best friends in Milan. They are like family to us. I would ask that you pray for our former church there in Milan. Please pray for them that God will bring them someone amazing to lead that church.

Well, I guess that's about all for now. We'll be back in Petersburg on Thursday. Catch you all later. Peace.

Because of His Grace, (Eph. 2:8)

April 08, 2005

Friday Night Lights

Hey all you football movie buffs. Have you seen Friday Night Lights? My sister Kendy brought it over the other day for us to watch, because with kids and all you don't get out to watch movies much. Anyway, Kendy, if you're reading this, you're never allowed to bring another movie over. That movie was horrible. First of all, the plot to Remember the Titans was better. Second of all, THEY LOSE!!! What's up with that? I'm totally into the movie. I'm remembering in my mind days gone by of football yesteryear in high school. I'm totally into it, I'm rooting for them and all that good stuff. I'm into the characters. And then, THEY LOSE!!! Who makes that movie and why would they allow such a terrible movie to be made? AHHH! I was so mad. Anyway, just thought I'd vent about that terrible movie. Let me know what you think. Peace.


What a week!

Hey everyone,

What a week. This has been one of the busiest weeks I can remember. I have been preparing for the revival that I am preaching in Newtown, Missouri (April 10th-13th), I had a building seminar to go to Thursday afternoon. Ashton had to get shots Friday morning, then on top of that I'm showing the world that I really don't have a green thumb. I have been laying some grass seed and trying to get grass to grow. But, the truth be known, I'll be glad if I can grow some dirt. Anyway, lawncare isn't necessarily my specialty.

Even though it has been a busy and long week, it has been a productive week. Misty and I get to go back to the area where our first ministry was and we get to see our friends from the Milan area again. We're really excited about catching up with them and seeing what's going on in their lives. Misty started a new hobby this week. She bought us a webpage. You can now check us out online at

She said she needed a hobby. It gives her something to do other than laundry, diapers and dishes. Which is a nice change for her. Well, that's about all for now. Pray for the revival that it goes well and that people will be open and receptive to what God might try to say to them. Catch you all later.


April 07, 2005

The Bean Counter Experience

Hey guys! I've got to tell you about this great place here in Petersburg. It is called the Bean Counter. It is a coffee shop and it is unbelievable. They have so much cool stuff in there. They even have like cinnamon rolls, muffins, sodas, mochas, lattes, cappuccinos, all kinds of stuff. It's such a cool place to hang out. I love going in there and working on Sunday school lessons and stuff. I get a nice big cinnamon roll, which by the way rivals Cinnabon for best in the world, a cup of coffee and enjoy the atmosphere. The owners are Christians so that's even better. They play Christian music all day long so it's really cool. They are even talking about putting a non-alcoholic sports lounge in upstairs. That would rock. Anyway, it's like my favorite place in Petersburg. If you guys ever come visit you'll have to check it out with me.

Check them out online at:

They even have handdipped ice cream just like Cold Stone. And to top it off, they make their own waffle cones. Man, it is awesome. I'm telling you guys, you need to check this place out. Well, I just wanted to brag on our hometown coffee shop. I'll try to come up with something a little more intellectually stimulating next time we talk. Take care.


April 06, 2005

What happened to Illinois?

What happened in the NCAA tourney this year? It's all about the orange around here. I really thought they could pull it off. But that big man from UNC just threw down. After Illinois won the tight game over the U of A Wildcats, I thought they had enough in the tank to pull it off. I guess not. Well, I was rooting for them anyway. It's kind of dangerous not to around here.

Let me know your thoughts on the NCAA Tourney this year. Peace.


Thomas the Tank Engine

Just thought I would let everyone know that Grant knows every single word to the Thomas the Tank Engine show. He sings it all the time and it is probably the cutest thing you will ever see or hear. Just thought I'd let you know.


Inspired by Caleb Butler!

I just received an e-mail from Caleb Butler about his life in Nashville. It sounds like God is really doing some cool things in his life. I was so excited about Caleb and his new blog, that he inspired me to make my own. Caleb is such an inspiration.

As for my life, not much is new. My sons are just as cool as ever. And my wife is just as good looking as ever. God has really been doing some cool things through our church here in Petersburg. It's great to just do my part of the job and then sit back and watch God cause growth. It's so encouraging to see people doing things for God.

Well, thanks Caleb for the inspiration to blog. Catch ya'll later.

Because of His Grace, Stan