What happened to Illinois?
What happened in the NCAA tourney this year? It's all about the orange around here. I really thought they could pull it off. But that big man from UNC just threw down. After Illinois won the tight game over the U of A Wildcats, I thought they had enough in the tank to pull it off. I guess not. Well, I was rooting for them anyway. It's kind of dangerous not to around here.
Let me know your thoughts on the NCAA Tourney this year. Peace.
Let me know your thoughts on the NCAA Tourney this year. Peace.
All I know is that the only girl in our pool at the house won!! Jon, Tim and I thought we knew a lot about sports....guess not! Ashley showed us up hardcore!!! Ouch....my male pride!
Phil. 4;13)
By Anonymous, at 3:31 PM
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