Stan Rodda

March 27, 2006


Hey everyone! My bathroom is finally finished, I think. Anyway, check out the before and after below. Grace and Peace.



March 23, 2006

Don't hate me!

Alright, so Thousand Foot Krutch is going to be in Springfield. I heard about the concert, but I also heard that it was sold out. No big deal. I didn't think much about going either. But now, I'm going. Check this out. One of the bands opening for T.F.K. is a band called the Lost Boys. Their lead guitar guy is married to a lady that my wife works with. So guess what? I'm going to the concert on the GUEST LIST of the Lost Boys. I get to walk in for FREE. Cha Ching. How cool is that? I can't wait. It's going to be awesome. Anyway, just thought I'd share the fun news with the world. Peace.

March 19, 2006

the latest pics from the bathroom. this will be the last update before you get the before and after pics. enjoy.

Thanks to Jan for her help on the tile.

March 17, 2006

Okay, here they are. The latest in the bathroom remake pics. It's almost done and a "Before and After" shot will be available soon. Enjoy.

It looked a lot worse at first, trust me! Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Oh man! Stan gets injured on a flying piece of ceramic tile. Fun, Fun, Fun!

Getting Closer!

I think the tiling is finally done. Thanks Jan for all the help!

March 16, 2006

The latest bathroom pics!

Well, this is it. I think we're in the home stretch. You can see the pictures below. We are getting closer. I'll be finishing the floor tonight. And from there, it's just a matter of putting stuff back in and putting it all together. It's almost over. And I imagine my wife is very excited about that. Well, that's all for now. Peace.

March 07, 2006

More bathroom stuff!

Hey everyone. Just another update on my bathroom, complete with pics. I know you're all so excited. Anyway, here they are.