Stan Rodda

April 19, 2005

The President is in Springfield

Hey everyone! Sorry I accidentally posted that last one twice. Anyway, check this out. Misty and I were going to Springfield to do our shopping right. Well, President Bush was in town for the opening of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. So Misty and I drove over to the airport to try to see him and guess what??? No, we didn't see him. But we did see his little convoy of secret service agents drive by. We were only like a 1/2 mile away. It was so cool. Anyway, Springfield was swarming with Officers of the Law and secret service people. It was crazy. Well, just wanted everyone to know that Misty and I saw the President's car from a 1/2 mile away. It was cool to us anyway. See ya.



  • Stanley - This is Scott Hamilton. I know this isn't an email but it's about all you're going to get from me! Just kidding. It was great to see you and your family this weekend! Good to know things are going well. I'll be in touch!

    By Blogger Sara, at 9:45 AM  

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