Stan Rodda

June 27, 2005

The Ten Commandments!

I was just reading some of the news and I found this information on I just thought it would be interesting to share with you all. Ten Commandments I hope everyone who reads this understands what this can mean for our country, either good or bad. If we continue on with this "Separation of Church and State" garbage, we're going to end up in a bad place as a country. Christians, I implore you, "Start doing something!" It's time to stand up and start doing what we can to not only win people to Christ, but to also help in trying to save this country. I don't know exactly how to do it, but I think it starts with one person at a time. A Christian who commits to doing his or her job as a Christian. Well, I don't have much else to say. I'm too frustrated to put my thoughts into logical sentences. Until next time.


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